District Support Services are designed to complement and enhance diverse and specialized programs provided to component school districts.
Message from the District Superintendent
As we transition into 2025, the educational landscape remains challenging, but there are signs for optimism. We remain committed to playing an important role in supporting our educational systems. While state funding appears stable, the end of federal stimulus funds, a new federal administration and declining enrollments call for regional collaboration and goal setting to insure a sustainable, adequate and equitable educational program for all of the students in our region.
Our programs and services for 2025-26 reflect this commitment and will support the component school districts in reaching all of their learners and moving those students along the continuum of success. Additionally, the slate of non-instructional services offered will aid in achieving economies of scale in each school district.
It is our hope that you continue to collaborate with us, and participate in the quality programs and services of your choosing. Our objective is to both increase opportunities and improve performance for all of the students in the region. We look forward to another year of partnership serving our students and communities together.
– Thomas R. Burns, District Superintendent/Executive Officer
District Support Services Links

District Support Services
District Support Services are designed to complement and enhance diverse and specialized programs provided to component school districts.

Adult Education & Workforce Development
Whether you’re interested in launching a new career or taking prep classes to earn your GED, the Adult Education and Workforce Development program at St. Lawrence-Lewis BOCES is here to meet your needs.
Must be 18 or older to enroll in the GED course.

Career & Technical Education (CTE)
The St. Lawrence-Lewis Career and Technical Education (CTE) program provides occupational training to over 1,100 secondary students and adults across at three CTE Centers.

Special Education
The Special Education Program provides services for students with disabilities from age 3 to 21. Students receive the program and related services requested by the local district’s Committee on Special Education (CSE) or Committee for Pre-school Special Education (CPSE), and specified in the student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP).