Canton and Potsdam
Program Description
St. Lawrence-Lewis BOCES has been offering research based services for students with autism since 1996. Scientific research demonstrates that interventions based on Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) are the most effective treatment for autism. Our preschool and school-age classrooms provide intensive individualized programs for students with autism based on the principles and instructional methods of ABA. Highly trained teachers, related service providers, and teaching assistants work collaboratively to teach a broad range of skills with the goal of maximizing each student’s potential.
Onsite Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA’s) and Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analysts (BCaBA’s):
- Provide training to all program staff.
- Oversee implementation of the ACE© Curriculum.
- Provide careful data analysis and evaluation to ensure the most effective instructional and behavioral treatment.
The Program School Social Worker
- Offers opportunities for families to discuss concerns relating to their child in both the home and school environments.
- Provides ideas, and activities to encourage generalization of mastered skills from school to home.
- Assists in identification of needs and ways to address them in the home.
- Provides assistance in knowledge of community services and ways to access them.
Classrooms are NYSED approved with student to teacher ratios of 6:1+1 in the school-age classrooms, and 8:1+4 in the preschool classroom.
- Special Education Teacher.
- Classroom Teaching Assistant.
- Speech Therapist.
- Occupational Therapist.
- Adaptive Physical Education Instructor.
- Related Service and additional Teaching Assistant support as requested on the IEP.
Specialized staff training is critical for the success of the program; staff members are provided with initial and ongoing professional development.
- All staff receive ongoing training on autism spectrum disorders, the principles of ABA, discrete trial instruction, incidental teaching and task analysis, the ACE, and other related topics.
- CALM© De-escalation and Physical Intervention Training.
- Ongoing training by program behavior analysts.
- Cross training is provided through a consultative model by related service providers.
- Literature Reviews.
Classroom Structure and Curriculum
St. Lawrence-Lewis BOCES uses ABA based instructional techniques to teach new skills and behaviors that are then generalized to the home and community. Our classrooms use the Autism Curriculum Encyclopedia© (ACE). The ACE is a program developed by The New England Center for Children, an internationally recognized school for autism treatment and education. The New England Center for Children describes the ACE as, “…the culmination of over 35 years of research and practice… It provides our BCBA’s and Special Educators the ability to assess, teach and evaluate progress using evidenced based procedures.”
The ACE contains customizable curriculum in:
- Discrimination
- Academic Communication
- Self-Help
- Recreation and Physical Education
- Health and Safety
- Social Skills
- Vocational and Community Skills
Each student has an individualized program, which will include the following when appropriate:
- Individual 1:1 instruction
- Social skills groups
- Independent work
- Special area classes
- Community outings
Parent Component
Parents are vital in helping children succeed. That is why we involve parents and families in their child’s education. Parent education opportunities, a support group, workshops, and other resources are available in order to foster an overall family approach to each child’s wellbeing and personal growth.
St. Lawrence-Lewis BOCES provides the following opportunities for parents and families:
- Access to literature, resources, videos and books from the program library.
- Monthly parent meetings facilitated by the school social worker.
- Ongoing written and verbal communication with instructional staff.
- Consultation and home based support from the school social worker, instructional staff and behavior analysts.
Special Education Links
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) (6:1+1) Contact
Principal – Lawrence Avenue Elementary
Kady Sharp
(315) 265-2000 ext. 36121
Principal – Potsdam Central High School
Jacqueline Bill
(315) 265-2000 ext. 36702
Principal – Canton Middle School
Melissa Fennessy
(315) 386-8561 ext. 42103