
Regional Certification Office

BOCES provides a shared service on issues related to teacher certification. Review and analysis of academic credentials, evaluation of eligibility for teaching certification, maintenance of certification data on local staff and response to related inquiries are all performed by this office. Available through Cross Contract with Jeff-Lewis BOCES. BOCES Aidable.
General certification information can be viewed at http://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/certificate/certprocess.html
This service will provide assistance with and evaluation of online application of candidates for NYS Certification in the areas of teaching and pupil personnel services. District staff will receive processing of applications, interpretation of data from TEACH, liaison to NYSED and workshops.
This service will also provide for the inspection and analysis of other claims for credit, determination of eligibility for issuance of teaching certificates, and the maintenance of a close communication between the Division of Teacher Education and Certification and the filed, to insure prompt responses with regard to certification concerns. Assistance is provided to component and neighboring districts and certificated staff in those districts in the area of Temporary Coaching licenses as well.


Regional Certification Office
Jefferson-Lewis BOCES
20104 State Route 3
Watertown, NY 13601
Phone: 315-779-7020
During business hours only toll free: 1-800-356-4356 ask for ext. 7020