Instructional Technology Services
- Distance Learning connects students to classes at another high school or college.Students may take advantage of fully online courses for credit recovery, advancement, or enrichment.
- Video conferencing support base fee includes support for video conferencing. This includes maintenance costs and support of individual needs.
- Virtual field trips.
- Data lines provide the transport of data to district.
The Managed Instructional Technology service base fee provides comprehensive support of instruction through the use of technology. Pricing includes regional and local technical support as well as the hosting of servers. The base fee allows for the addition of subservices. Districts must also purchase the 516 Model Schools COSER as required by COSER guidelines. Pricing quotes are provided per individual district needs.
Equipment may be purchased using an installment plan. Primarily, districts purchase networked copiers through this service which require the district also contract for the 506.020.030 Copier Maintenance and 506.020.035 Excess Print Charges.
The Cooperative Telephone Interconnect service is designed to provide participating school districts a cost-effective, efficient network of voice and data communications. Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is also incorporated to connect districts across the fiber optic (DANC) data lines to take advantage of least cost routing. Each district remains autonomous with respect to main numbers, switchboard operations, and extension numbers. BOCES aid at 50% of local phone costs, VoIP equipment and maintenance
St. Lawrence-Lewis BOCES
PO Box 231- 40 W. Main Street
Canton, NY 13617
(315) 386-4504
Fax: (315) 386-2828